Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's coming to 3 months!

Haha, Nope I am not pregnant (thinking alot of people will assume it when they see the title of this post! lol)! Its been almost 3 months since we brought Declan back home. Actually this 3 months are not as hectic as I think. In fact I really think it's much better that he is with us the full 7 days a week rather than at Grandma's house. At least he knows his Alphabets, numbers and even can write from 1 to 10 and A to F now. Its hard to even think that he dun even now his alphabets and numbers 3 months back! I am truly very proud of him and me..Cos my efforts are not wasted.

We have also develop a 1 hour "homework" time after dinner daily so as to get him learning and I am glad he quite enjoys it. At times, I will ponder whether I am pushing him too hard or rather am I really becoming a kiasu parent. But I guessed that's how life is in Singapore. I dun want to start "pushing and stressing" him only when he gets older cos I think by then it will be too late to change anything and it will be even more stressful on him cos he had never faced that before. I am still praying hard that Daddy Koh can be posted to Melbourne next year so Declan can do his education there, then it will definitely not be as stressful as here.

By the way, its been a month since I switched Declan's childcare and looks like he is really enjoying it. He likes his teachers and I need not "wrestle" with him every morning just to get him into his uniform..:) Though there are still days when he will cry while separating, I am still glad that he adapts much faster than we expect.

Anyway, November is an eventful month! We are heading to Disneyland HK next Monday and little guy is so looking forward to it. Then he will go for his first dental visit and I really hope it will go well. Finally it's his birthday bash which we always look forward to yearly. Declan is so looking forward to it too and requested for a mickey mouse cake this year. So you guessed it! We are doing Mickey Mouse theme this year too! Counting down....

Friday, August 13, 2010


Its been donkey years since I update this blog! Wonder whether anyone is still reading it...

Anyway, as I always mentioned time flies and our little boy is turning 3 soon. Well, he is now transformed into an active and rather expressive little person. He has his own thoughts, habits and own way of doing things. I am now on 1 year No-Pay leave and I guessed it will stay that way for quite some time.

The reasons of us considering whether I should quit my jobs are :

1) Declan fall sick too often while in childcare
2) We think that childcare really focus on "Child - Care" and not academically. We would like him to be more academically inclined.
3) I am tired of facing my mum's "unexpected outburst" every few months. So we think its better not to rely on my parents anymore.
4) We do not wish to hire a maid at this moment and of cos we won't feel safe with leaving him alone at home with the maid.

Though I dun really fancy my job much, but I am there for a decade afterall. Has a bunch of wonderful friends and colleagues there. So I am really reluctant to leave. In addition, I just don't feel secure without a job even though I knew my pay doesn't make much contribution to our household expenses.

Daddy Koh has been telling me:" You can't think of yourself everytime cos now our top priority is our son!" So you see I am really lost now...I can't say that I enjoyed taking care of our little terror all the time cos its pretty tiring and he is now getting very stubborn as he has his own thinking now. But that also reminds me that I should keep a close watch on him cos sometimes I really think he is a bit too "street smart" for his age. I knew I would surely regret or rather Daddy Koh will surely blame me if our son turns astray due to my work commitments in the future...

Sigh, at times I am real tired. Seeing grandparents who are more than willing to look after their own grandkids makes me wonder why is it that my parents dun even treasure or willing to look after this only grandson. My mum always said:" Your grandma also never help me in the past!" Yeah, so all the more she should understand how helpless I felt with no one helping me. Sometimes I really wonder whether I really own too many debts in my previous life and here I am repaying every single of them..My Husband, My Son and my parents....Thinking of this always makes me sad...Ok, enough said, here are some pics to lighten up the atmosphere!