Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little Declan turns 6 months today and he finally has his last dose of 6-in-1 injectioon yesterday! Never cry at all! What a brave boy! Daddy and Mummy are so proud of you!

He now weighs 8.1kg and is 69.5cm. Doctor says his development is above average even though Mummy said he had lost weight cos he was sick last week. Yeah, our poor baby was coughing so badly that he loses his sleep. Mummy Koh heartpain when she saw her little baby has dark rings and eye bags! Bought him to KKH last Sunday and doctor said it's some kinda air borne viral infection. As usual Daddy koh who dotes on his son immediately went to buy an air purifier at a whooping price of $500 plus!! (FAINT)

Dumb Dumb Daddy Koh also bought another COMBI stroller because he thinks that the existing GRACO is too big despite Mummy Koh telling him not to buy! Another damage of $264. See, we really spend alot on this little baby who is only 6 mths old! Can't imagine how much more we are going to spend on him as he grows older.

Realise that we had bought too much clothes for him till the chest of drawers from IKEA has given way. So Daddy Koh and I went down to V-hive today and bought baby a new chest of drawers. Has to stop buying clothes for him now! MUST CONTROL! :s

We also bought a "ferrari" and "motorbike" for our little boy! But he is still too young to play..hehhe Mummy Koh kan cheong spider, everytime got cheap sprees faster buy first. Haha..Now the house are full of Declan's stuff! Swing, playmat, playyard, toys, clothes, bumbo seat, air purifier, baby safety gate etc, etc..all becos of 1 little fella. Tsk Tsk...(Shake Head!)

Yeah, now even the store room has no room so Mummy Koh has decide to install racks to store the stuff when daddy Koh comes back from India next week.


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